Sunday, May 20, 2007

Somethings are just so simple in theory...but so hard in reality

One of the greatest men of peace the world has known, Mahatma Ghandi, is credited with listing off things that would make the world a better place if they were not the normal. In my opinion, if the opposites to these were followed by everyone, war and poverty would be things of the past. Without further ado....

1. Wealth without work

2. Pleasure without conscience

3. Knowledge without character

4. Commerce without morality

5. Science without humanity

6. Worship without sacrifice

7. Politics without principle

—Mahatma Gandhi

* Attributed to Gandhi in a December 15, 1998, article in 'Edupage', an online newsletter published by 'Educause', an international nonprofit association dedicated to transforming higher education through information technologies.

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