Friday, May 4, 2007

The real leaders of the country

Often, I engage in political debates that end up breaking down to democrat vs. republican. While somewhat entertaining because I like to debate and also play the devil's advocate, it doesn't really cut to the root of the problem.

As is with most things in life....the real key to truth and power is to follow the money.

The real leaders of our country are not those that are elected on a ballot. They are those that are "elected" to sit on the boards of major corporations and the leaders of industry. Now, most will probably think that there are way too many of them to be able to coordinate that type of movement. For those that think that to be the case....I present to you:

This site will open your eyes to how consolidated the power already is in the major industries. You will be able to see how a small handful of men and women sit on the boards of major corporations across different industries that ultimately lead to lobbying congress to do one thing...pass legislation that benefits them.

In return, the congressmen and senators get fat paydays and cushy gigs if they play along and then either "retire" or are voted out.

Whichever is the case, it all equals the same result, the American people are nothing more than
pawns in the game of chess of life that is also nothing more than a power-grab for the ultrawealthy.

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